5.1 哪里可以下载弘业国际金融的交易软件?
Where to download Holly International 's trading system?
The client can download Holly International's trading system in Holly International's official website: (Customer Service- Software Download).
5.2 如果忘记行情密码、交易密码该怎么做?
客户可填写“户口资料更改申请书”,将原件寄送至弘业国际金融,并联系弘业国际金融工作人员进行新密码的办理工作。相关表格可在弘业国际金融网站 下载。(客户中心-文件下载-户口资料更改申请书)。另外可致电400-120-8680 到弘业国际金融交易部申请办理相关事务。
What if the client forget Quote or Trade passwords?
The client can fill in Account Information Update Application, mail original copies to Holly International, and contact Holly International to apply new passwords.
Above forms can be downloaded in Holly International's official website: (Customer Service-Downloads-Account Information Update Application).
The client can also dial 400-120-8680 (Holly International) to deal with related affairs.
5.3 电子交易平台会出现数据滞后现象吗?
Will data delay happen in Holly International 's electronic trading platform?
Holly International has a data center in Shanghai, which provides a dedicated line directly connecting Hong Kong. As long as the internet connection on the client side is good, the possibility of latency is low.
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